Best bad idea ever? Why Putin’s nuclear-powered missile is possible… and awful

Posted on Mar 22, 2018

Best bad idea ever? Why Putin’s nuclear-powered missile is possible… and awful

Russia’s advanced arms are based onthecutting-edge, unique achievements ofour scientists, designers, andengineers. One ofthem is asmall-scale, heavy-duty nuclear energy unit that can be installed inamissile like our latest X-101 air-launched missile ortheAmerican Tomahawk missile—asimilar type but with arange dozens oftimes longer, dozens—basically anunlimited range. It is alow-flying stealth missile carrying anuclear warhead, with almost anunlimited range, unpredictable trajectory andability tobypass interception boundaries.

It is invincible against all existing andprospective missile defense andcounter-air defense systems.
