The Pentagon Released New Documents About the ‘Tic-Tac UFO’

Posted on May 24, 2018

The Pentagon Released New Documents About the ‘Tic-Tac UFO’

Now, a local investigative news team in Las Vegas obtained a 13-page document prepared for the military that analyzes what happened that day in 2004. The investigation was led by George Knapp, a journalist who made a name for himself in the 80s for substantiating parts of a story peddled by the prominent UFOlogist Bob Lazar, who claimed to have worked at Area 51. The report describes how the Anomalous Aerial Vehicle (AAV) seen by the two F18 pilots were able to “descend ‘very rapidly’ from approximately 60,000 feet down to approximately 50 feet in a matter of seconds.”

Moreover, they would “hover or stay stationary on the radar for a short time and depart at high velocities and turn rates.” The report details the advanced characteristics of the AAV, which had been sighted by another aircraft carrier off the coast of California “three separate times” in the days before it was intercepted by the F18s as seen in the video. The aircraft was capable of “advanced acceleration, aerodynamic and propulsion capability,” wasn’t susceptible to the military’s radar capabilities, “possibly demonstrated the ability to ‘cloak’ or become invisible to the human eye or human observation,” and “possibly demonstrated a highly advanced capability to operate undersea completely undetectable by our most advanced sensors.”

The report notes how one of the senior crew members on the aircraft carrier with 17 years experience in the military said the AAV exhibited characteristics of a ballistic missile. The reason the aircraft carrier’s radar system was unable to track the object was because it was set to monitor conventional aircraft so when the object appeared on the radar it was dropped as a false target. “If the radar were set up in a mode for Ballistic Missile tracking, they likely would have had the capability to track the AAV,” according to the report.
